Doherty Properties LLC

Strive For Second Place

  • Strive For Second Place

    How buyers can avoid market competition and win their dream homes.

What’s Happening in Lowell’s Market?

  • What’s Happening in Lowell’s Market?

    What you need to know about Lowell’s changing real estate market.

What’s Behind the Rise in Interest Rates?

  • What’s Behind the Rise in Interest Rates?

    Here’s what buyers and sellers need to know about rising rates.

What’s Happened in Our Market so far This Year?

  • What’s Happened in Our Market so far This Year?

    Today I’m comparing the Q1 data from this year to Q1 of 2021.

Misconception About Down Payments

  • Misconception About Down Payments

    It’s a common misconception that buyers need a 20% down payment.

What You Need To Know About Rent-Backs

  • What You Need To Know About Rent-Backs

    There are pros and cons to using a rent-back agreement in today’s market.